Industrial Ovens
Custom Infrared Oven

Custom Infrared Oven

While we offer a wide variety of infrared ovens on our website, there are some applications which do not fit into any of our pre-defined categories. That does not mean, however, that we are unable to support those applications.  If you have a process that requires heating and you think it might benefit from infrared, give our Application Sales team a call and they can discuss with you how Casso-Solar Technologies could build an oven suited to your specific process.

For example, maybe the product you are looking to produce cannot be conveyed by a more standard belt, roller, or overhead conveyor.  So instead, our team will work with you to develop a conveying method that works for your process.

One type of customization that we specialize in is replacing older gas-fired convection ovens with infrared ovens that have more control and more flexibility in the design.  In the majority of applications where convection ovens are utilized, an infrared oven can be a more efficient and better controlled replacement option.

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Contact our Sales Team to discuss our extensive offerings and find out how we can deliver equipment custom-designed for your needs.

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